Kenyon won a major victory for its start-up client Pintrips, protecting the company against a trademark infringement suit filed by social-media giant Pinterest Inc. In the Oct. 23 decision, U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam Jr. ruled that Pintrips' use of the word "pin" qualified as fair use under the Lanham Act based on the term's broader use in computing.

Kenyon's Managing Partner Edward T. Colbert led the Pintrips trial team, alongside Kenyon attorneys William Merone and Erik Kane.

To view the published story in The Recorder, please click here (subscription required).

To view the published story in TechCrunch, please click here.

To view the published story in Technica, please click here.

To view the published story in Trademark & Brands Online, please click here.


As released by the former Kenyon & Kenyon LLP.