Posts from May 2024.
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The Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) of BBB National Programs issued a new compliance warning aimed at addressing the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in advertisements and data collection efforts targeted at children. The warning emphasizes that CARU will “strictly enforce” its Advertising and Privacy Guidelines for advertisers, brands, influencers and manufacturers that utilize AI in marketing and data collection involving children. The warning specifically highlights CARU’s concerns about the risks of AI in connection with the susceptibility of children to marketing that fails to distinguish between what is real and what is not.

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Development impact fees, a common tool used by local governments to fund public infrastructure and services, play a crucial role in the process of urban and suburban growth. These fees are levied on developers in conjunction with new construction or revitalization projects to offset the costs associated with increased demand for roads, schools, utilities and other amenities necessitated by development. In other words, they are used to soften the “impact” that the new development is going to bring to the infrastructure already in place.


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