Posts from May 2014.
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On May 13, 2014, in Millennium Laboratories, Inc. v. Darwin Select Insurance Company, Case No. 12-CV-2742 H (KSC), a California federal district court ruled that Darwin Select Insurance Company breached its duty to defend Millennium in a pair of lawsuits in which two business rivals accused Millennium of false advertising, finding that the underlying lawsuits sufficiently alleged covered disparagement claims. In so doing, the court reaffirmed the longstanding rule in California that a carrier’s duty to defend is broad and requires the carrier to defend where there exists a ...

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As reported in the Privacy & Information Security Law blog, the Federal Trade Commission announced that it has approved final consent orders with two companies that marketed genetically customized nutrition supplements. In addition to charges that the companies’ claims regarding the effectiveness of their products were not sufficiently substantiated, the settlements also allege that the companies misrepresented their privacy and security practices.

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