Posts tagged Tratree.
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It is not uncommon in discrimination and harassment suits for employers to battle against the admission of so called “me too” evidence.  Plaintiffs often employ the tactic of parading up other employees who claim they were discriminated against and/or harassed in the same manner as the plaintiff.  The results vary based on jurisdiction and fact pattern, and the standards can differ by jurisdiction and court.  The United States Supreme Court may soon add some clarity to this area.  The Court is considering whether to review a case involving the appeal of Billy Ray Tratree, an African-American employee who was discharged three months before he turned age 50 and was to become eligible for retirement benefits.  Tratree alleges that his employer discharged him on the basis of his race and age.  The Supreme Court soon will decide whether to review the Fifth Circuit’s opinion upholding the district court’s decision to exclude some of Tratree’s “me too” evidence.


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