Posts tagged Employee Handbooks.
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The Massachusetts Personnel Records Law, M.G.L. chapter 149, § 52C gives employees the right to submit written rebuttals to any negative information contained in a personnel file if the employee truly disagrees with the content of the information. The written rebuttal then becomes a permanent feature of the employee’s personnel file. 

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Use of employee biometric data – including fingerprints, eye scans, voiceprints, and facial scans – continues to be a popular, yet legally risky, proposition for employers. Several states and municipalities have laws that specifically govern the use of biometric data, the highest profile of which is the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA).

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In a new class action filed recently against a hospital housekeeping company, employees allege their employer’s fingerprint scanning time-tracking system runs afoul of privacy laws.  The Pennsylvania-based company Xanitos Inc. now faces the lawsuit in federal court in Illinois, claiming the company violated the state’s Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA).

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Consistent with a trend in assailing employers’ workplace policies, the NLRB recently struck down nine employee policies, and  the confidential information and non-disclosure agreement of Hoot Winc LLC (d/b/a Hooters), all of which employees signed upon initial hiring.  NLRB Judge William Nelson Cates found that the policies at issue, which dealt with discussion of tips, employee conduct, disclosure of company material and business affairs, and social media, were over-broad and interfered with employees’ rights to engage in  activity protected by Section 7 of the National Labor relations Act (“Act”).  Likewise, the judge found that the restaurant chain’s non-disclosure agreement also infringed on employees’ Section 7 rights.

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In an Advice Memorandum released last month, the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) Associate General Counsel’s office found that portions of a social media policy violated Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, which protects employees’ rights to “self-organiz[e], to form, join, or assist labor organizations, . . . and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection . . . .” 


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