Please join Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP for a CLE webinar on Business Continuity and COVID-19 from a GDPR Perspective.

Monday, April 20, 2020 
10:00–10:30 am EDT
16:00–16:30 pm CET 

We will discuss key considerations with respect to ensuring business continuity and management of your GDPR compliance program amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The speakers include Hunton Brussels lawyers David Dumont and Anna Pateraki

During the webinar, they will highlight key data protection issues that arise in connection with COVID-19, including:  

  • Priorities for crisis management from a data protection perspective 
  • Organizing resources to ensure your privacy program stays up and running 
  • Measures to consider for safe teleworking and cybersecurity preparedness  

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP will seek CLE credit for this program in CA, FL, GA, NC, NY, TX and VA. Credit hours are not guaranteed and are subject to each state’s approval rules. Please be aware that due to various state bar closures, CLE accreditation will be delayed for the foreseeable future.